När det vänder

A sober life could never be the solution for my thoughts of execution
Me, myself... I ain't even mad about the future anymore.
The sad part is being ungrateful and depressed when everything finally works and you got what you wished for. Be careful what you wish for, they say. But how would I know having "it all" doesn't mean a thing when you don't feel anything. Hold me. Let me go. Need you close. I want to be alone.
Cant do this with all these feelings when they fly around and making me feel empty, apathetic and alone. Yet energetic, happy (actually the happiest) and sometimes the feeling of actually appreciate life
And then. Questionmark.
Questions will remain unsolved and unanswered.
How is it possible to feel alone in a crowd of people, friends and strangers on a bus. Im not invincible and I don't really feel like it. But how these looks towards me making me feel smaller than the smallest mouse making my brain go bananas jeeesus.
🙏 My life will be short just like my skirt... Skämt åsido.


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